Public Speaking Workshops

Public Speaking Workshops

Career counselling is provided for students and professionals . The purpose of counselling is to guide . A comprehensive one on one counselling is provided whereby I assist you to select the suitable career based on your psychometric assessment.


  • Students
  • Professionals
  • Lecturers and Teachers
  • Solopreneurs & Entrepreneurs
  • Aspiring Public Speakers

Key Elements

  • Customised bespoke workshops
  • Interactive Q&A sessions
  • Group Activities, role plays methodology
  • Audio-Visual components
  • Case Studies & Group Discussion


  • Improve Leadership skills
  • Inculcate Confident speaking
  • Better articulation of thoughts
  • Grow professional network and better connections.
  • Improve persuading and convincing skills.
  • Enhance communication skills
  • Establish trust building credibility with your audience