Summer School Program is a smart move to utilize time effectively. Summer schools in India offer a wide range of programs catering to various interests and academic levels. Here are some of the top-ranked summer schools in India:


  • Amity University Summer School Programme
  • Summer At Doon School
  • Symbiosis Summer School
  • The Young Scholars Programme by Ashoka University
  • Young Leaders for Active Citizenship Summer Programs
  • Young Technology Scholars Program at Plaksha University
  • UWC Mahindra College Summer Programmes
  • Jindal Global Summer School



What is the Summer School program in India?

Summer Programs in India offer academic training programs or workshops in various subjects, including STEM fields, humanities, social sciences, and the arts. Summer Programs provide opportunities for learners to explore new skills, and enhance their careers with add-on value to their skills in a short time.

Why join a Summer School Program?

Joining a Summer School Program can offer several benefits like Academic enrichment, Skill Development, Exploration of new subjects or career paths, networking, Travel and Cultural Immersion, aids in College Applications & Personal Growth

Why are summer programs for high school students?

Summer School Learning Programs are important because they allow students to continue learning and prevent the “summer slide,” Summer Programs are best to join and enhance skills and utilize summer break time.


Students can prepare for the challenging but necessary transition from high school to college by taking advantage of the summer school program’s emphasis on global perspectives, holistic learning, and ethical participation.